24 Jan Annual Charity Ball to Raise Vital Funds
The Freddie Farmer Foundation’s Annual Charity Ball will take place at Oakley House in Bromley on Saturday 9th May with entertainment from Imagine…The Beatles. The ball will also feature live music from Andy Robinson, a Raffle, Auction, and a 3-course dinner.
The Freddie Farmer Foundation is the charitable arm of the Freddie Farmer physiotherapy centre, which provides high quality specialised physiotherapy and support services for children with cerebral palsy and mobility problems, as well as providing support for their families and carers.
The inspiration behind it all is Hayes lad Freddie Farmer, who was born at 28 weeks with cerebral palsy, weighing just 2Ibs 12oz.
The charity’s physiotherapy centre, based on Elliott Road in Bromley, supports disabled children aged 3–16 years with cerebral palsy, developmental delay/co-ordination disorders and other non-progressive neurological disorders and syndromes.
The centre opened in 2015 to provide intensive physiotherapy programmes for disabled children and is one of a handful of independent UK therapy centres offering specialist equipment and therapeutic exercises, supporting disabled children from all over London and the south-east.
Tickets for the ball cost £65 per person on a shared table, or £650 for a table of 10.
Booking closes Friday 10th April.
Download the Booking Form.
For more information, call Karen Smith on 020 8313 3707 or email karen@staging.freddiefarmerfoundation.org.uk.