03 Aug Block session booking for registered families
October to December 2021 block session dates are now available for booking.
The 2-week block sessions are strictly on a first-come first-served basis, and are for registered families only.
To secure your session, we require a £100 deposit. All deposits must be paid within 7 days of booking. Please note that sessions will be released if your deposit is not received in full within 7 days of booking.
2021 sessions cost £30 per hour and full payment will fall due 4 weeks before the start date.
Please do not visit the centre if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) or if you are self-isolating.
So that we can continue to protect our children, staff and visitors, the following guidelines must be followed:
- Each child to be accompanied by only one parent/guardian, and no siblings are allowed.
- On arrival, you and your child will have your temperature taken.
- Hands must be sanitised or washed thoroughly immediately on entering the building.
To book a session or to find out more about our available physiotherapy session dates please call Karen on 020 8313 3707.
For new enquiries, please email karen@staging.freddiefarmerfoundation.org.uk.