16 Mar Coronavirus Statement
Following the latest advice from the Government, it is with much regret that Freddie Farmer Foundation has taken the decision to close the Physiotherapy Centre with immediate effect.
The health and wellbeing of our staff and visitors is our top priority and given the latest medical and scientific recommendations, we have made the very difficult decision to take this action in order to play our part in stopping the spread of the virus.
We are very sorry that we have to close our doors until further notice.
Our thoughts are with everyone who is being affected by this situation and we pass on our very best wishes to all of you and your loved ones.
We will announce further updates in line with the latest advice from the Government.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Charity Centre Manager Karen Smith on 020 8313 3707.
For NHS advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), including what to do if you think you have it and how to reduce your chances of getting it, please visit the GOV.UK website.