West Malling Golf Club captain looks back at successful year

Russell Berryman, who has been in the Captain’s role at West Malling Golf Club in Kent, has raised substantial funds for his nominated charity, Freddie Farmer Foundation in Bromley.

Starting in January 2015, West Malling Golf Club members took part in a range of events, including a Captains Drive, a Captain’s Golf Day and a Captain’s Ball.

Russell, (65), said he was pleased to help and raise the funds, during which more than £7,500 was raised.

His January ‘drive’ was the longest recorded at the club by a Captain, 241 yards plugged in the wet.

In August, 112 members took part in a Captain’s Golf Day which was won by the ambassador’s team, and attended by Freddie Farmer and his family.

A Farningham Mill Olympics was also held in August at the estate where Russell lives. Local people made donations, wore ‘Freddie’ t-shirts and went round with collecting buckets.

At November’s Captains Ball, supported by Russell’s friends and family, the band donated their fee to the charity.

Charity officer, Karen Smith, said: “I would like to thank Russell for all his hard work in supporting us throughout 2015.”

“Friends, family and members have taken part and donated – it’s been great fun,” said Russell.

If you or someone you know is becoming a Captain in 2017 please consider choosing Freddie Farmer Foundation in Bromley as your benefiting charity.